Saturday, July 11, 2009


I have had no internet for a while. And a sick laptop. I'm back now. I've been up to other stuff.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Saw just chillin'

Yesterday I went to Syosset to fly my radio glider at Stillwell Woods park. It was a fine day to do it, and there were others from the Long Island Silent Flyers club with the same idea.

The park is so beautiful and spacious, it is difficult to remember that I am only a 40 minute drive from the urban landscape of the New York City boroughs. Different from Central Park. This is like a secret hideout in comparison. Central Park is packed with people and idiot children.

The RC glider is just like an RC plane, except, as you might imagine, it has no means of propulsion and requires an initial launch. I used what is called a hi-start which is essentially a giant sling-shot pegged into the ground. I was able to fly and trim out the glider with plenty of help and advice from the club members. The soar has an added element of challenge and that is staying aloft using only patches of warm air called thermals. These are not visible, believe it or not. You have to hunt and feel around for them.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Presidents Daze

The wind picked up a little today and Astoria was brought down to a brisk 30 something.
Did laundry today, and read the Watchmen.

Yes yes I gave into the spell of the black-and-yellow-bound picture book that's been published practically since my birth and ignored until a flashy Hollywood trailer slapped me in the face.

Dear Reader, you are not a tool for not having read this before. I give you permission to read it just because they're making it a movie. And I'm not saying this because it's what I did, either.

While a lot about this story might seem borrowed, I still loved it, for a lot of reasons. I particularly enjoyed the play on the big bad G.I. Joe brute with the Comedian character. The fact that they wrote the character to be actually playing this part ironically made it especially fun. Like a super-Colbert. This was in 1986!

Good fun.

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Painting, hulu

Presenting the thing I just finished:

And now....

A shameless video link.
If you're like me and both (a) love Bjork and (b) are not sure what to think of the newish female SNL staffer who is in 90% of the sketches now,
then you no longer are like me because (b) was put to rest when I saw the weekend update dead-on impression of Bjork:

The great Norwhal robbery

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Washington DC

Gitmo protesters, less than a week from their goal.
Early morning monument.

Air and Space.

I found some pictures of a trip some people took to Washington DC. Unfortunately I was home sick and that's that.

But if I was there, I'm sure it was a very historic occasion with millions of people in a pretty good mood.